Friday, October 15, 2010

Sad Soup but Sweet Butternut Success

This crazy soup was an herbed vegetable soup with cilantro, parsley, oregano and sorrel. The broth was delicate and delicious with the subtle cilantro BUT the kids all hated it and I will tell you why. I think I overdid the variety of vegetables. They like soups with kale, carrots, onions, leeks, celery and spinach. But, I couldn't resist throwing in cabbage, shitake mushrooms, butternut squash, fresh very rich small tomatoes on the vine, and some tot soi. Susannah liked it enough to have some the next day while the big kids suffered through their bowls of it, not asking for more. Some of them did admit to liking the broth which I liked as well but they were picking around whichever vegetables they found offensive. Larry and I both liked it, adding a little habanero sauce to jazz it up. And, he is going to be eating it all weekend...and for full disclosure, the evening the kids ruthlessly rejected it, I made them a smoothie with a big ladle full of soup in it because what they don't know won't hurt them.
On the other hand, the butternut squash dish pictured above was sweet and had a nostalgic air of fall in the city about it. I had leftover cubes of raw butternut squash which I mixed with cubes of very crisp delicious Winesap apples and diced onions. I plunked the whole thing in the oven and forgot about it until I came back and noticed the amazing smell. It was like sweet onions mixed with apple pie...

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