Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Root Vegetable Soup

This was a yummy use of leftover steamed celeriac, turnip and butternut squash. They were steamed and plain, and, by all means, go easy on the turnips and heavier on the other two for better flavor. (To start, chop into cubes and steam). I blended the cold root veggies and squash with some chives, then heated it, adding a little water, a clove of garlic and a blend of all my typical spices (cumin powder, whole cumin seeds, cayenne pepper, turmeric, black pepper and sea salt.) I was really pleased with my concoction and had it with dinner last night and lunch today...while it gives you the sense of a thick filling soup, it is low calorie. Comparable potato based or creamy soups would be much heavier and harder to digest.
To make it more child friendly, I think parsnips should replace the turnips but this was a simple and easy recipe. Root vegetables in the fall boost the immune system and are very cleansing and strengthening for fighting off winter's blues.
Another fall flu fighting and cleansing use of root vegetables is a raw juice of burdock, daikon radish, ginger, parsnip, turnip, carrot and either lots of lemon or an apple...

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