Monday, December 6, 2010

Vegetarian, hmm

OK, I saw the bumper sticker. Vegetarian: Old Indian Word for Poor Hunter. But do you know where I saw it? On Sarah Palin's Alaska. OK, I admit it, I watched a very little bit and there was a lot of gun slinging, hunting, fishing, etc. It seems the theme is stocking the freezer at the expense of beautiful wildlife...she launches into the importance of hunting by isolated indigenous people...but she implied her own freezer needs similar stocking. So, I looked up where she lives and how far the grocery store actually is...does she really need to kill all those beautiful and not so plentiful animals? Wasilla has at least ten grocery stores and is only forty miles from Anchorage. She was going further the other direction to achieve her fresh kills.
While, admittedly, I think there is better nutritional value in these creatures that do not come from horrible factory farms and that are not processed and pre-packaged, they are still not ideal food. Their fatty acids should be intact and their vitamins might be slightly raised but they do bear all of the risks of animal protein, animal fat and cholesterol and even as far as Alaska, by-products of pollution are heavily concentrated in animal foods. So, I am just saying, vegetables do more for a person and they too can be stocked in the freezer for a long winter. The scientific literature supports the view that a plant-based diet (some say exclusively; other research just proves many more vegetables and a lot less meat is better than a meat-centric diet) provides superior health benefits; and, a freezer full of meat, well, I am just glad it isn't my freezer. For our rationale for our way of eating see:

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