Friday, January 28, 2011

Revamping Leftovers

We recycle, reduce, and reuse, and, well, we revamp our leftovers, transforming them into a tasty meal that does not necessarily resemble the original. The above spanish rice was made with leftover brown rice we had used in two stir fries with a gazillion vegetables, some of which were rudely cast aside but if everyone eats three or so that is alright by me. The steamy stir fry on Monday had ginger, broccoli, celery, onions, spinach, cabbage and bean sprouts. Tuesday, the rice reappeared in steamy stir fry with cauliflower, fresh scallions and sesame seeds, admittedly, much more of a hit than Monday's was.
But back to Wednesday's spanish rice. We added a few black beans left from breakfast and Green Mountain gringo medium salsa and had an incredibly quick, easy to prepare meal. I think this suited the kids the best but I, of course, separately served carrot sticks and cucumber slices...
And, if you are wondering why I occasionally make three days worth of rice, it is just easier for me because it takes long to make and it stores well. I can always quickly chop a bunch of vegetables but when we go for the long cooking beans and grains, I like to economize my somewhat valuable time... pictured above, Spanish rice, Susannah and her big fruit salad, and, a picture I call, "hmm, just why did the city plow 81st Street closed?"


  1. That's a great idea about using your leftovers to make other dishes! I just reheat them the next night without changing anything. I'll have to try using them to make something different. I'm following you for MBC. Here's my blog if you would like to follow me back:

  2. hey there i am following from MBC. Come check my blog out at
    I see you have 4 kids. i love to see other families with lots of kids. Children are amazing.

  3. I'm your new follower from MBC. Nice Blog :)

    Visit me at

  4. Some of these photographs look so yummy!

    New follower here!

    Ladaisi Blog

  5. Hi, there! Following you from MBC.

    Thanks for the great info.

    Would love a follow back when you get a moment. =)

    Jacqie @

  6. I bulk cook my rice and/or barley too! Your blog is wonderful and the recipes are making me hungry. Job well done!

    I found you on MBC and I'm your newest follower. I've posted a few recipes on my (new) blog if you're interested in stopping by
