Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chef Luke & Black Peppercorn Spinach

This spinach, pardon the terribly out of focus picture, is a Chef Luke original. He took whole black peppercorns and ground them in the coffee grinder (we are all holding our breath in anticipation of Larry's very spicy coffee encounter soon to come). Luke put Zoe's organic olive oil, the coarsely ground pepper and chunks of one of our specialty large grain sea salts on this baby spinach. Of course, a man who loves large proportion, he used most of a large container of baby spinach (Olivia's grown in the US) and he planned to eat it all as a salad. But, about halfway through, he was full...so an hour later, he said can he please put it in the steam oven and eat the rest warm. So, we steamed it and I have to say it was amazing!!!!
We left said very spicy coffee grinder in Maryland, so if the Dad doesn't read this within the next week or two, well, he will find out the hard way just why he should read my blog!

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