Saturday, March 12, 2011

Homemade Energy Drinks and Bars for Big Exercise

So, after years of exercising with nothing to drink or just water, I dove headfirst into my own versions of energy they make a seven minute mile go by any faster? Well, actually they just might. We tried different versions of some today and the successes were really tasty. Starting with fresh young coconuts, which I hacked open in a most unladylike way, I set the water aside. (Actually, certain children scarfed down some of the water but that is another story).
Then, I made cucumber celery juice, easy and watery. I also had a truer green juice from Whole Foods in Annapolis with fresh kale, spinach, miscellaneous other greens, cilantro, cucumber and celery, but it did not turn out to be perfect and tasty (their recipe varies every time I say all greens...hmm). So my method has been 1/3 green juice, 1/3 coconut water and 1/3 actual water. And, I think it works especially well when the green juice is Mellow Love from Organic Avenue in New York (cucumber, celery, romaine, spinach, parsley with Himalayan sea salt ), cucumber/celery juice homemade by me, or cucumber, celery, kale, cilantro made by me, but was maybe not quite as well if the green juice is too dark a green or if the Whole Foods person added, say broccoli, which ruins the whole thing.
So, for about ten days, I have tested out how I feel exercising with these drinks, and I think there may be some truth to the concept that my exercising low on fuel has not been brilliant. (Rarely, do I admit my brilliance in certain areas is lacking...) I feel faster, stronger and better able to approach the chaos that is my typical day.
So, then we moved on to my versions of a "bar". We blended dates with peanuts to make a "Lara Bar" and it turned out delicious...then, I tried dates and almonds and dates and pecans, all soooo tasty, pressed into a casserole dish, raw and simple. I have never tried to actually eat such a thing while exercising so I think of these as just for replenishing or for a pre-exercise early a.m. meal. (I personally still go for Vega for breakfast). I would send the peanut date mixture to school with the kids (they all loved it) BUT sending a peanut to their school is a lot like sending a nuclear bomb. I do send sealed Lara Bars for the bus ride home at my own risk with the kids under strict instruction not to even open the shamefully guilty pouch of their backpack during school (can they be expelled for this or would it just be a strict talking to?), but might need to look into hermetically sealing my own bars before I dabble in messing with the status quo. Our other bar ideas include using the coconut meat to blend but the kids and the husband ate it all so that series must wait for another day.
And, my last category to try is a sugary version of some kind of gel to eat in the heart of a race...I am aiming for raw honey but not sure how to package it as a quick go to boost during a fast bike ride or run. I envision some sticky mess and me saddled with regret (Why can't I just be mainstream and slough down a Carb Boom or Hammer Gel?) If I do not come up with a viable alternative I might go for the Clifbar shot bloks (but why can't they spell block with a c? Do they think athletes can't spell? Are they humoring us? Or can Cliff just not spell?) or a Honey Stinger gel but both have caffeine so, post race, well, let's just say I might be inclined to talk a lot, and maybe even go for another run....
And the one category my "coach" (a term I use loosely) employs that I would not touch with a ten foot pole is drinking a prefab can of soup early in the morning. However, I think last week's spin instructor was impressed with my warming up with homemade broth which did supply plentiful antioxidants with natural sodium but no added, I am liking the homemade alternatives but the real test is next week...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, lovely collection of such yummy, healthy and nutritious food.

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