Monday, April 18, 2011

Odds and Ends

Some of our meals are just odds and ends, a phrase I like better than the dreaded "leftovers". Today for me, a bunch of nuts, some leftover nutty pesto and my typical huge salad. Luke made his own spinach and the other kids had black bean dip on corn tortillas, a spinoff of last night's dinner.
The kids loved the raw crisp snap peas...some only eat the peas inside; others the whole thing. I ended up being allowed to have only the leftover shells, pathetic but tasty chopped into my salad...
Perry shredded her carrot beautifully and Susannah nibbled on olives in a lovely little bowl with lunch...
Quick and easy miso broth for breakfast was a start to an energetic day. Now, the kids are foraging for dinner; so far, lots of field garlic so we will see...and if sherwood was sprayed, should we even eat our foraged goodies?

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