Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An Embarrassment of Cucumbers (and potatoes)

Yes, OK, I bought a lot, but not every last one like I did last week, wiping out the small farmer's entire cucumber supply. Chopped cucumber salad with sun dried tomatoes, olives and green pepper was my lunch salad yesterday and I am back to enjoying lunch on my special rock where I don't allow kids but said lunch didn't actually happen until 3 o'clock so I am working on my timing. So, this morning I have eaten three cucumbers just plain as a snack but must ration the rest to last until Saturday's farmers' market. Not sure that can be done. Perry is still interested in her cucumber breakfasts, chopped with seasoned rice vinegar and a few odds and ends. And, every time I take a bite of one as a snack, Susannah asks if she can have the rest. What ever happened to just hoping for a taste or bite of someone else's food?
I want to use one more cucumber in a chopped Mediterranean salad with chick peas and possibly another for a blended soup. I am starting to think I might have to hide them from the kids in the other refrigerator, my cucumber hoarding clearly bordering insanity.
Also from the Tuesday Anne Arundel county farmers' market, the small gold and red potatoes made a hit of a lunch for the four kids and a friend. I roasted them with a large white onion thinly sliced plus the bright green onion tops. I drizzled on lots of olive oil and they roasted a long time while hungry children were forced to play outside against their will. Eventually they did chow down and enjoyed their second ketchup eating opportunity of the summer...I am on a slippery slope here where veggie burgers may show up on the 4th of July...
The summer raspberries were wonderful and significantly better than the wineberries growing all over like a weed in our community. Wineberries look shinier than raspberries and are actually a different plant, albeit a pretty tasty one. The summer raspberries at the farmer's market tend to be wild plants which are also common in this area. And, those of you who want to go on believing the wineberries are raspberries, well knock yourselves out...

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