Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Salad With Corn and Lima Beans

With corn and lima beans in season, this salad is a real treat and a filling and complete meal. I had lettuce, peppers and cucumbers from the farmer's market and sun dried tomatoes soaked in olive oil from New York for this great fresh combo. I used an apple cider vinaigrette with some spicy sun dried tomato spread (Les Moulins Mahjoub from Le Pain Quotidien) and water. The spicy sun dried tomato spread can be recreated by blending cayenne pepper with sundried tomatoes and olive oil.
I was starving the day I ate this salad for dinner (I had run 12 miles in the morning heat) and quickly chowed down a huge serving bowl size portion. Lima beans have great fiber content as well as lots of magnesium, iron, folate, potassium, and manganese. Because of their high molybdenum (a trace mineral) content (1 cup has 86% of a day's worth), lima beans help metabolize sulfites. They are generally extremely heart healthy and as for digestion, they keep things moving on through.
So, this delicious salad is really easy to make in this month or so during which lima beans are on hand and available. please note that the lima beans should be cooked thoroughly by steaming or boiling until soft all the way through. And, the corn was raw cut off the cob for less negative impact on the blood sugar...

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