Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hospital Food

I hear it is bad elsewhere, but hospital food here at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is delicious. Chef Pnina stopped by our room to visit with us again today in her never ending desire to please the patients. She wanted to make sure we were getting exactly what we wanted and reassured us yet again if we have food or brand preferences she would make sure the staff bought what we wanted and made dishes that made us feel at home.
This week and last she made Perry special Indian chick peas, kale in a sweet vinegar sauce, and homemade baked apple chips. She happily asked us for drink preferences, peanut butter brands, etc. A few weeks ago, a staff member went out to buy black beans for Perry (while I would happily have ordered something else had I known) so she could have them with sauteed fresh red peppers.
The regular menu, the vegetarian and gluten free menus all have some great choices. We especially liked the curried vegetables with tofu over brown rice and the vegetable stir fry.
The only true gripe I would have is that the pediatric menu is sad to say the least. It is pretty basic with chicken fingers, fries, burgers, basic breakfast items and seems designed for someone trying to load up on white flour and perhaps a preference for pre-made foods rather than the fresh foods from which the adults choose. It does have a relatively good peanut butter and banana sandwich and omelettes, etc. but less choice especially in the way of actual vegetables. While it is simple to ask for an adult menu (which is what sparked them to tell me I could write in absolutely anything and they would find the ingredients, cook it and deliver it to our room), most pediatric families do not know they can do this. Chef Pnina says she is expanding the pediatric menu and it will be great to see what changes ensue.
While Sloan Kettering is where our family has spent an unfortunate amount of time, I have to wonder are we lucky to be here or are all hospitals following the room service style pick and choose plan with fresh ingredients and an executive chef who takes true pride in her work?


  1. I'm sure Perry and all the Zimmermans inspired the Sloan Kettering chef to create such amazing meals (the photos are mouth-watering, too!). Perry looks fabulous ... hope she's feeling better and better.

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