Monday, April 29, 2013

Salad Salad, Salad, Susannah guest assistant blogger with me, and a windy day on the river

Ramps are here, finally, even though this spring feels a lot like winter to me.  However, here in Maryland, for some reason, the ramps are from California. I find that odd since they grow like weeds around here. I can send the kids out foraging for local ones.

At any rate, well traveled and sophisticated as these ramps may be, they worked well in our ramp vinaigrette (aged balsamic vinegar, olive oil, ramps and water, blended really well.) So, we used that dressing both on my salad and on the kids' salad.

My salad was comprised of lettuce and fresh greens locally grown, asparagus from one of my favorite local farmers and zucchini from Whole Foods. The kids' salad was chick peas (Eden from a can, at least there is nothing horrifying in the lining they use), crunchy, thirst quenching, fresh cucumbers grown from the ground, not hydroponic, from a local farmer in Annapolis, and the ramp dressing, served over an optional bed of romaine lettuce and sorrel.  The kids also had guacamole that I made earlier with a few avocados that had become too soft for the liking of my picky eaters.

I can hear Luke upstairs serving Susannah dinner...hmm.  And, where is guest blogger Susannah?
Here she is and here is what she has to say: There are cucumbers, chickpeas and ramp dressing too.It's yummy yummy yummy!!!!!!

Windy Spring on the river...

Perry and Susannah, hair blowing in the breeze.

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