Friday, May 17, 2013

Exploring the Possibilities

Exploring brought me into Calvert County today, further south than usual but I cheated and drove to Harwood.  My first stop was Herrington Harbour in Rose Haven where the inn looked pretty nice and fun...there were about a gazillion sailboats docked there so I can only wonder how jammed it is in summer.  There was a sign saying world class marina and inn, hmm, it was not world class coffee and I would be hesitant to get my hair done at Roxy's Salon, but otherwise, for this jaded New Yorker, it did seem like an interesting place in a remote location.  The farms line the bay and there are great views from above...of course, that meant riding up steep hills to get out of some of these Chesapeake small communities.

Fresh strawberries, not like those Driscoll ones we settle for in winter, why do people buy those? 
So, my trip south did tend toward the downhill and I was with the wind, saving my work for the way home. I cycled through North Beach which had some cute little shops and amazing waterfront, then I got into Chesapeake Beach, and, well, I never quite knew that the dregs of the Jersey Shore had an outpost here.  OK, that sounds a little snobby...I found it all worthwhile, and lots of it beautiful, charming, some grand huge farms and some cozy woodsy cottages, but there is a little area that seemed to focus more on junky food, groceries, and a water park (that admittedly looked like something my children might like).  Then, there was the hugest traffic jam ever, but it was an accident and being on a bike I could scoot right by...but then for two miles, cars were rolling down their windows to ask me what happened...

Friendship / Rose Haven
Anyway, I kept going south and somehow the terrain changed to steep hills that I whizzed down at 40 miles per hour, yikes and tried to power up as well as I could.  When I finally got to a hill so long I could not face it, I turned around and realized the hill I had come down was twice as long and steep.  Amusing, I thought.

Between Fairhaven and Deale

The Inn at Herrington Harbour
North beach
The hill that made me turn around, not 1/2 as steep as the hill I  ended up with 
Junky granola bars...I did not buy them when they said what  was in them...lots of dairy and sugar...

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